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creation Logo et sites web Auray
Carole Morazin

En adoptant une approche à 360° du Branding, je vais au-delà de la simple Identité visuelle en imprégnant votre Signature unique dans tous les aspects de votre entreprise, de la conception de votre logo jusqu' à l'aménagement de l'espace que vous occupez. Cette démarche vise à valoriser pleinement votre Univers de Marque et d'Espace, assurant une reconnaissance immédiate à chaque interaction avec votre public.

Carole Morazin
Carole Morazin
Branding & Human Design Carole Morazin
Impression écoresponsable
Logo Identité Visuelle

- Directrice Artistique -

En tant que tisseuse de liens, captant intensément votre Identité, je vous guide pour forger une Identité puissante et la déployer de manière cohérente. Ensemble, nous renforcerons votre présence impactante et mettrons en lumière votre Univers distinctif. 

Compétences clés :

  • Clarification d'Identité

  • Design Humain et d'Entreprise

  • Direction Artistique

  • Stratégie / Écosystème pro perso

  • Cocréation d'Offre Signature

  • Création d'Univers de Marques

  • Création d'Univers d'Espaces

  • AurA / Posture Entrepreneuriale

stratégie et création site Internet auray
Carole Morazin

1. Mentoring

Connection to your talents and potentials

Essential step before communicating, we will clarify your Identity, your vision, your posture. I offer you a mentorship, a space for privileged and personal exchanges. I accompany you by connecting to your gifts and potentials.Supported by reading your Human Design, we will reveal who you are, your talents, your areas of excellence, your mode of operation and what makes you vibrate. My approach induces a therapeutic effect favoring your authorization to be and todeploy yourself legitimately.

Choosing to work with me istake your place in consciencein order to embody who you are and contribute to the evolution of the collective. 

Whether you're launching or transitioning, we'llactivate the energy of your deep Identity, your essence...

Branding Personnel et Marketing Digital
Identité de Marque

2. Inspired Branding

Expression of your soul

Once clarified,we will anchor your Identity ! Branding is your company's DNA, your brand identity: it's what communicates to your customers who you are, what you do, what they can expect from you, and why they should choose you. .This is the emotional response that you will inspire in others.Your branding brings together your message, your visual identity, your graphic charter, your communication media and your style. Il you  allows you to establish a bond of trust, an intuitive connectionwith your customersheart who will capture your values, your uniqueness, your expertise … 

Creation Site Internet Auray
Branding Personnel & Strategie Marketing

3. Webdesign Inspired

Take your place in the world

Your business is an extension of yourself !

Your site is a showcase accessible to the whole world. It will anchor who you are andinking your talents will allow you to anchor them in your cells 

We will ingrain a clear vision of your mission with an inspiring website. I will help you set up an authentic and professional communication : us We will highlight your universe, your contribution, your most aligned offers. At each new level crossed, I accompany you if you need to take stock andbreathe new life into your business.

Planche d'ambiance déco
Zumba confiance en soi Auray
Cartes de visite

5. Printing

Leave an eco-responsible trace

Developing ecological intelligence is part of my corporate commitment. I prefer clean layouts and des eco-responsible printing in small series.

Business cards, flyers, posters on PWheatgrass, Chlorophyll, Hemp, Kraft, FSC® white paper, recycled plastic sheeting and vegetable inks, all the materials used are eco-labeled, natural or recycled.

Zumba confiance en soi Auray
Carole Morazin

5. Printing

Leave an eco-responsible trace

Developing ecological intelligence is part of my corporate commitment. I prefer clean layouts and des eco-responsible printing in small series.

Business cards, flyers, posters on PWheatgrass, Chlorophyll, Hemp, Kraft, FSC® white paper, recycled plastic sheeting and vegetable inks, all the materials used are eco-labeled, natural or recycled.


Some Inspired Testimonials

Gaëlle Thomazic

Yann Solard, Physiotherapist 

"I was very positively surprised by the depth of involvement, requirement and adjustment to others on the part of Carole. She listens completely to what and who you are and you accompanies you in your needs and requests. Being "wired" on the other, the attention to detail and accompanying the person towards a rendering adjusted to his project are his great skills. Thank you for these 3 months of collaborative work Carole who have already allowed me to see much more clearly in the jumble of my many practices and desires." 

Frédérique Perrot

Frédérique Perrot, Physio and micro nutritionist - Psychosomatician 

"Carole Morazin is an extraordinary professional! Beyond her skills as a webmaster, she has a quality of listening, a sensitivity and an intuition that allow her to offer any professional calling on her services, a visual identity and a communication tracing as closely as possible the quintessence of the services offered by the latter.I am absolutely delighted to have asked Carole Morazin who has been able to remain faithful to who I am and to what I offer " 

Caroline Goffaux

Caroline Goffaux, Holistic therapist - Yoga - initiatory journey

"Thank you Carole for your enormous involvement in this beautiful project!!! Thanks to your professionalism, my whole world is highlighted, thank you"

“Thank you for this wonderful site that was launched last week.
Already the second! And I never get tired of it ;)
Thank you for bringing to light the goddess in me with great finesse and delicacy.
I obviously recommend you ♥️ "

Yann Solard

Yann Solard, Physiotherapist 

"I was very positively surprised by the depth of involvement, requirement and adjustment to others on the part of Carole. She listens completely to what and who you are and you accompanies you in your needs and requests. Being "wired" on the other, the attention to detail and accompanying the person towards a rendering adjusted to his project are his great skills. Thank you for these 3 months of collaborative work Carole who have already allowed me to see much more clearly in the jumble of my many practices and desires." 

Tiphaine Nevé

Tiphaine Neve, Painter and Harmonizer

"I would like to express my satisfaction with your work, Carole. I admire you a lot in fact, because I don't know how you manage to do everything: listen to everything that is entrusted to you (in a positive way, never criticism !) to put in order and succeed in putting on paper, with great delicacy and taste, the message that we wish to convey! As far as I am concerned, the ideas and desires are so numerous, that I cannot even more to explain what I'm going to do! You managed, very humbly, to present on brochures and flyers, everything I want to offer, giving me the opportunity to do it without time constraints! Congratulations Carole "

Myriam Haudebert

Myriam Haudebert, Photographer

" Carole Morazin, the art and the way, of living, of feeling, of having the courage to experiment for the benefit of an elite and of oneself. A talent through words, in subtle listening and respect A transcription always accurate and delicate, which makes you want, inspires and which leads to the essential without taking anything away from the essence, quite the contrary. An exceptional way of expressing what no one would do with themselves with a bet. in pure and humble value. It is an invaluable resource that plays a major role in the self-esteem of any good professional who is regularly plagued by doubt and the assurance of tomorrow. A huge thank you Carole Morazin "

Marie -Annick Rouxel

Marie-Annick Rouxel, Beauty Energetician - Sex therapist

"I have twice entrusted the creation of a new website and my business cards to Carole Morazin...convinced that she would be THE right person to support my visibility as a Therapist and above all to reveal it. I n I was so not disappointed!   I would say that Carole is both the miner who discovers and sublimates L'OR hidden  and the Magician who, with great sensitivity and freshness, puts it into words and sublime images!

It is my experience that I share with you here happily With Gratitude**** " 

Marion Bizet

Marion Bizet, Therapist - educator - perinatal companion

" Thank you very much Carole for your patience... I'm "giving birth to myself"!!! I didn't think that making a website would be so therapeutic for me!!  Thank you for your beautiful work!!"  

Olivia Guillet

Caroline Goffaux, Holistic therapist - Yoga - initiatory journey

"Thank you Carole for your enormous involvement in this beautiful project!!! Thanks to your professionalism, my whole world is highlighted, thank you"

“Thank you for this wonderful site that was launched last week.
Already the second! And I never get tired of it ;)
Thank you for bringing to light the goddess in me with great finesse and delicacy.
I obviously recommend you ♥️ "


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